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Saturday, November 8, 2008

ABAP Function Modules

Function modules are ABAP routines that are stored in a central function library. They are available throughout the system for all applications. Function Modules are first assigned to a function pool called Function Group. Function Group acts as a container for Function Modules.

Some standard Function Modules provided by SAP are,

UPLOAD upload a file to the presentation server (PC)

UPLOAD_FILES Will load one or more files from app or presentation server

WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY For a given week (YYYYMM format), this function returns
the date of the Monday of that week.

WRITE_LIST Useful for writing out the list contents that result from the function

WS_DOWNLOAD Save Internal Table as File on the Presentation Server

WS_EXCEL Start EXCEL on the PC

WS_EXECUTE execute a program on a windows PC

WS_FILE_DELETE Delete File at the Frontend

WS_FILENAME_GET Call File Selector

WS_MSG Create a dialog box in which you display an one line message

WS_UPLOAD Load Files from the Presentation Server to Internal ABAP Tables

WS_VOLUME_GET Get the label from a frontend device.

WWW_LIST_TO_HTML After running a report, call this function to convert the list
output to HTML.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF_DATA Create a dialog box in which you
make a question whether the user
wishes to perform a processing step
with loss of data.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP Create a dialog box in which you make a question
whether the user wishes to perform the step.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_WITH_MESSAGE Create a dialog box in which you
inform the user about a specific
decision point during an action.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_WITH_VALUE Create a dialog box in which you make a
question whether the user wishes to
perform a processing step with a particular

POPUP_TO_DECIDE Provide user with several choices as radio buttons

POPUP_TO_DECIDE_WITH_MESSAGE Create a dialog box in which you inform the
user about a specific decision point via a
diagnosis text.

POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT Create a dialog box in which you display a two line message

POPUP_TO_SELECT_MONTH Popup to choose a month

POPUP_WITH_TABLE_DISPLAY Provide a display of a table for user to select one,
with the value of the table line returned when

MONTH_NAMES_GET It returns all the month and names in respective language.

MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE Add or subtract months from a date. To subtract a
month, enter a negative value for the 'months'

CONVERT_TO_FOREIGN_CURRENCY Convert local currency to foreign currency.

CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY Convert from foreign currency to local

DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY Check to see if a date is in a valid format for SAP.
Works well when validating dates being passed in
from other systems.

DATE_COMPUTE_DAY Returns a number indicating what day of the week the date
falls on. Monday is returned as a 1, Tuesday as 2, etc.

DATE_GET_WEEK will return the week that a date is in.

DATE_IN_FUTURE Calculate a date N days in the future.

DAY_ATTRIBUTES_GET Return useful information about a day. Will tell you the day
of the week as a word (Tuesday), the day of the week (2
would be Tuedsay), whether the day is a holiday, and
more.(provided by Francois Henrotte)

ENQUE_SLEEP Wait a specified period of time before continuing

ENQUEUE_ESFUNCTION Lock an abap program so that it cannot be executed.

CHANGEDOCUMENT_OPEN Open change document for edit

CHANGEDOCUMENT_SINGLE_CASE Add change document records

CHANGEDOCUMENT_CLOSE Close change document after edit.

CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS Read Change Document records back

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